Bringing Together – My Yazd intercultural project by X-CHANGE culture-science in Iran
Bringing Together – My Yazd międzykulturowy projekt, zorganizowany przez X-CHANGE culture-science w Iranie
09.2005, Yazd, Iran

In September 2005 we invited 17 representatives of (artistic) photography from Iran and 6 European countries to come to Yazd and spend a week together there...

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Bringing Together – My Yazd międzykulturowy projekt, zorganizowany przez X-CHANGE culture-science w Iranie
09.2005, Yazd, Iran

European Children’s Literary Festival in Iran 2004 by X-change culture-science
Europejski Festiwal Literatury Dziecięcej w Iranie, zorganizowany przez X-change culture-science
22.09 -8.10. 2004 Tehran, Iran

Curiosity and enthusiasm are characteristics of children, which many adults leave behind over the years; but interest in the new and unknown is essential for people from different cultures coming together for a fruitful meeting – especially in the context of the Dialogue among Civilizations praised so much these days.

Continue Reading European Children’s Literary Festival in Iran 2004 by X-change culture-science
Europejski Festiwal Literatury Dziecięcej w Iranie, zorganizowany przez X-change culture-science
22.09 -8.10. 2004 Tehran, Iran